The MCAT is 70% critical thinking and 30% content knowledge.
Master the critical thinking.
Break down complex equations, sharpen your problem-solving skills, and master every formula with ease!
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The only MCAT prep program tailor-made to help Retakers succeed.
We've been there. Our tutors are real students who know the value of a personal touch.
Pillar Prep has been extremely helpful in boosting my confidence by mentoring me and providing me with tools and resources I needed.
I wouldn’t have had this confidence level in preparing for my MCAT if it wasn’t for Pillar Prep!
I got more out those five hours than I have gotten in numerous hours of Kaplan test prep.
Seriously the BEST decision I ever made... I saw a 15 point increase.
Through my time working with Pillar Prep, my practice scores have increased by 13 points!
Pillar Prep makes this seemingly impossible test, simple.