Our Verdict -
Highly Recommended
Solving MCAT math without a calculator can hold students back from reaching their goal score. MCAT Math has created a set of ebooks that provide simple tips and tricks that will help you boost your ability to do MCAT math without a calculator. We highly recommend these resources to all of our students who are struggling with MCAT math because, unlike other resources that discuss math, MCAT Math ebooks focus exclusively on how to complete calculations without a calculator.
Students need highly effective math strategies to succeed on their MCAT. Many resources attempt to help students with MCAT math but overlook the fact that students do not have access to a calculator on the MCAT. MCAT Math ebooks are designed to arm students with the strategies and math skills they need to excel on MCAT math without a calculator.
There are several benefits of the MCAT Math ebooks.
Although there are many benefits to the MCAT Math ebooks, there are a few cons.
If you are struggling with doing math without a calculator, your should absolutely be using the MCAT Math ebooks to help you perform better on both your MCAT practice test and your real exam. The best time to use these resources is after you have completed some practice problems and realize that MCAT math is a weakness. Read through the ebooks as if you are reading through any MCAT textbook - by trying to learn from the content and walk through the examples.
*Pillar Prep has worked with MCAT Math on a variety of projects, but at the time of this review there are no financial relationships.*